Unsupervised is an animated, half-hour comedy about two eternally optimistic best friends "Gary" and "Joel," who are navigating the harsh landscape of adolescence and trying to do what's right despite having no parental guidance whatsoever. Gary's father took off years ago and left him with his absentee stepmom, while Joel's elderly parents remain unseen and uninvolved. And the...
发布于2012年。并且由编剧罗布·罗塞尔、David Hornsby携幕后团队创作。集众多位David Hornsby、Rob Rosell、Justin Long、Kaitlin Olson、Fred Armisen、Romany Malco、Kristen Bell等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2012-01-19公映的动画。
冲着Justin Long看的,结果他的主角没什么点,反倒是Romany Malco和Fred Armisen配音的配角有点*
这是我见过的最最励志而可爱的孩子了。虽然Joel和Gary是两个满口脏话的*瑟,可是他们为母亲找对象,为自己找寻未来,积极献血,改善教学环境,反对恐同…真是把我感动了一小把。Cute loser EVER!看似普普通通的美国高中生活,终于有些小新意了。