天生领袖原名:Live to Lead,
三星半。说实话拍得很一般…但RBG, Gloria还有Albie让人感动。一直无法百分百支持restorative justice, 现在也是,但看到Albie谈他的经历确实受到了冲击,真的有人能如此kind/optimistic. 我们的conscience又在哪里呢
If you really want this, you will find a way.
Quick facts to learn those influential figures. + Gloria Steinem money is boring; how much is enough + Byran Stevenson the way how he makes a speech is exactly what I am longing for. Passion amd eager to share and speak, ought to none stage panic, actually having something to say, yet in clear logic about facts with intriguing skills.
Greg Thunberg “crisis hope action” 只剩下buzz words 抱怨完 然后要做什么?… 片子更多像是鼓舞人心的意识流演讲 并没有说多少事迹。
How notorious the world would be without having notorious RBG?
我认为很一般 ,但是为了 Ginsberg 和Gloria Steinem
这个阵容出来就三星打底了…Netflix的纪录片的问题在于探讨的太浅,过于平铺直叙…对于对人物很熟悉的观众或者读者而言这纪录片就没什么新意…对于不熟悉的观众可以看看,纪录片展现了美国年轻一代的core value。