乔·罗根:一触即发原名:Joe Rogan: Triggered,
发布于2016年。由Anthony Giordano执导,并且由编剧乔·罗根携幕后团队创作。集众多位乔·罗根等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2016-10-21公映的电影。
喜欢这种brutal style的,这个世界真的很疯狂!
主要是把小孩的傻当成笑料。 说海豚那段不错,想象人类和海豚一样,随处都可以吃到的食物。推测进化路上,人类和海豚向着两条路发展
好喜欢**那一段。也很喜欢说**** your mom right in the mouth那几次。 又想起来一件事。之前在他播客上我问“我有一个请求,能不能抱你一下”,我们在摄像机外深深拥抱了一分钟。他脸上出现了一个似乎被安*到又有点尴尬又有点得到了什么的表情,其实我知道他想说的是“This is kinda weird cuz like you're 33 years younger than me but some how you can see through ** soul.”他没说出口。如果说出口了,我会回“I don't know, man. Why can't we just be a human being. Without all those definations ”
what if that's the case with people? what if everyone is exactly the same? we're just living life through different bodies. what if that's the secret of happiness? treat everyone as if it's YOU living another life.
4.5 主要是太吵了... 我们就是一群古怪的超有机体,以某种奇怪方式需要着彼此,但我们都不承认,“我是独行者”。是真诚可爱的
is... is he gradually getting sunburnt from the stage lights? #wakethefuckup#
literally非常用力 并且没有少练瑜伽的 好担心这位朋友讲着讲着就暴毙 we'll be all watching you kanye:)
"All dreams can be real through surgery."