Darkness, Darkness, Burning Bright – Prelude
Handmade and unique personal 16mm film in two parts. “Darkness, darkness, burning bright In the forests of the night Vast flowered paths, fresh branches, Groves full of perfumes, birds and whispers, Site often seen again, and always contemplated Wind that gurgles at the bottom of the chimneys that months, hours and days.…”
发布于2022年。由Gaëlle Rouard执导,并于2022-01-26(鹿特丹电影节)公映的电影。
不由得想要找到黑夜中的光源,聲音設計也還算有趣,在第一部分的時候尚且不覺得冗長,有時候甚至感覺在看科幻片,但也確實並沒有充分調動起什麼。@EX!T 14
#Filmmaker Festival 2023# 现场胶卷放映机放映,很有趣。