宠物原名:Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend:The Pet,又名The Last Word
As the Colonel is getting ready to go to sleep, his wife reproaches him for having eaten rarebit, which always gives him strange dreams. Sure enough, the Colonel soon has a dream, in which his wife takes in an odd stray animal. In his dream, the new pet has an insatiable appetite - but what really causes trouble is that every time it eats something, it immediately gets larger.
帅呆了 吃完老鼠药那段变形 如果是有声片就好了,台词都很风趣
animated comic strip "dreams of the Rarebit Fiend" nr.2. 饕餮来袭。
Didn't expect to run into Debussy here...
真的很《金刚》 怪物成精了可还行
Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend系列从来没有固定角色,基本都是遵循生活琐碎变形,越变越夸张,到最后梦醒来的定势。
Plot Keywords: Dream | Surrealism | Giant Animal | Based On Comic
1.画了恐龙和昆虫,便一直都是恐龙和昆虫。。。。 2.莫非JIM CARRY的从犀牛**出生的那一幕,灵感来源于此。。。