狗及其各种优点原名:Les chiens et ses services,又名The Dog and His Various Merits
We see a working dog, a beggar's dog, a shepherd's dog, and a milkman's dog. The working dog is locked inside a large wire wheel; the dog runs inside the wheel, turning it to run a machine. The beggar's dog pulls its legless ******, who's sitting on a low cart, down the street. The shepherd's dog keeps a flock of at least 20 sheep in a tight circle. The milkman's dog pulls a ca...
6.0,We see a working dog, a beggar's dog, a shepherd's dog, and a milkman's dog.
a series of tableau scenes,no logical progression from scene to scene,static shots(no camera movement),medium-long shots(primarily).
狗狗好开心。狗狗纪录片 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNDQ4OTkyMjI4.html