爱情岛 第六季原名:爱情岛(美国版) 第六季 love island usa Season 6,
这一季的girls power简直太棒了,喜欢liv和Serena。Aaron这种小脑裹****的丑渣英国佬真应该早早滚,有kaylor这么贴心的cp还不安分。 reunion那段真是心疼Nicole啊,哭得都颤抖了,只有serena站出来替她说话。
不难理解***能在这个地方做总统了,男护男男帮男男挺男最后也能抱得美人归,玩得花的**被blame被vote out,世界可以像爱男一样爱我吗😭love island只有好***彼此心连心
Honestly, this season surprised me a lot. Sometimes I even felt obsessed with the whole process. It's far better than I expected. The casts were good, that's the most important thing for reality show. Rob was the superstar of this season, his romantic journey with six pretty, amazing girls was a ***** storyline, his bromance with Aron was also amazing. Personally, I felt the most compatible girl for Rob might be Kalor. After the terrible reunion, they seemed both single. Hopefully they would click with each other one day.
everything about leah is annoying. Tell me why you guys are obsessed with such a self-centered brat?
每天两眼一睁就是看爱情岛 Rob和leah的线救了整季